Christmas Poems – Poems about Christmas

Christmas is a festival of jingles, carols, songs and poems. I already shared some beautiful Christmas songs in my previous post. Now, I would like to share some interesting Christmas poems and rhymes here so that my readers can use these poems for their Christmas cards or to sing aloud on Christmas Eve.

Enjoy these Christmas 2015 Poems

The Littlest Christmas Tree

The littlest Christmas tree,
lived in a meadow of green,
Among a family,
of tall evergreens,
He learned how to whisper,
the evergreen song,
with the slightest of wind,
that came gently along.

He watched as the birds,
made a home out of twigs,
and couldn’t wait till,
he too was big.
For all of the trees,
offered a home,
the maple, the pine, and the oak,
who’s so strong.

“I hate being little”,
the little tree said,
“I can’t even turn colors,
like the maple turns red”,
“I can’t help the animals,
like the mighty old oak”,
“He shelters them all,
in his wide mighty cloak”.


Merry Christmas Mom

For all of the presents
You put under the tree,
For all of the times
You picked up after me…

For all of the times
That you tucked me in tight
And we stayed up to talk
Long into the night

For all of the days
I was feeling so down
And the times that you turned
To a smile my frown

For the cookies you baked
And the stockings you stuffed,
For the cuts that you healed
And the pillows you fluffed


“What do we love about Christmas,
Does our delight reside in things?
Or are the feelings in our hearts,
the real gift that Christmas brings,
It’s seeing those we love,
And sending Christmas cards, too,
Appreciating people who bring us joy,
Special people just like you.”

“Because in everything I do,
You always have a part,
Because a loving thought of you,
Is always in my heart,
Because each little wish of mine,
You’ve tried to make come true,
At Christmas time, I want to say,
How dearly I love you.”

Christmas Joys

Evergreen boughs that fill our homes
With fragrant Christmas scents,
Hearts filled with the loving glow
That Christmas represents;

Christmas cookies, turkeys stuffed,
Festive holly berry,
Little faces bright with joy,
Loved ones being merry;

Parties, songs, beribboned gifts,
Silver bells that tinkle,
Christmas trees and ornaments,
Colorful lights that twinkle;

Relatives waiting with open arms
To smile and hug and kiss us;
These are some of the special joys
That come along with Christmas.

Family Joys

“Christmas is filled with special joys,
And the very best of all,
Is contemplating those dear to us,
And the memories we recall,
We often think at Christmas time,
Of people, affectionately,
And we realize how blessed we are,
To have you in our family.”

“May the meaning of Christmas,
Be deeper, its friendships stronger,
And its hopes brighter,
as it comes to you,
This year.”

Christmas Is a Time of Little Time

Christmas is a time of little time.
How we get there is a mystery.
Racing madly mall-to-mall, we climb
Into fields of sunlit harmony.
Shopping, cooking, clearing walks and yards,
Trimming house and tree while working, too;
Making phone calls, wrapping, writing cards,
As all worn out we do what we must do
So that this day of joy might joy renew.

Every Moment Is a Revelation

Every moment is a revelation
Placed behind the scrim of what one sees.
In every unremarkable sensation,
Poised to dance, some truth awaits a breeze.
How might one then step behind the veil,
Alive in ways one was not meant to live?
None can bear such beauty long, nor fail,
Yet yearning, to revere what grace might give.

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